10 ecotourism destinations you can’t miss tentree
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Picture Details FOR 10 ecotourism destinations you can’t miss tentree's IMAGETITLE: | 10 ecotourism destinations you can’t miss tentree |
IMAGE URL: | http://www.tentree.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Botswana-1024x683.jpg |
THUMBNAIL: | https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M85f590f4cec494156cdb7762f157c19ao0&pid=Api&w=270&h=181 |
IMAGE SIZE: | 166193 B Bs |
IMAGE WIDTH: | 1024 |
DOCUMENT ID: | OIP.M85f590f4cec494156cdb7762f157c19ao0 |
MEDIA ID: | 47656D2A5D508888BA6F270A4B641A6CD014F802 |
SOURCE DOMAIN: | tentree.com |
SOURCE URL: | https://www.tentree.com/blog/10-eco-tourism-destinations-you-cant-miss/ |
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Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving going to fragile, pristine, and relatively undisturbed natural areas, meant as a low-impact and frequently small scale option to standard commercial (mass) travel and leisure. It means responsible travel to natural areas conserving the environment and increasing the wellness of the neighborhood people.[1] Its purpose may be to educate the tourist, to provide cash for ecological conservation, to directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local areas, or even to foster respect for different civilizations and for individual rights. Since the 1980s, ecotourism has been considered a critical endeavor by environmentalists, so that future decades may experience places relatively untouched by human intervention.[2]:33 Several school programs use this information as the working description of ecotourism.[3]COSTA RICA – ULTIMATE ECOTOURISM DESTINATION FOR NATURE LOVERS
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